2024 Kitchen Design Trends

Are you already eyeing the next upgrade to your kitchen design? Well, you're in the right place! At Spogue Kitchens and Bath, we pride ourselves in knowing the ins and outs of the heart of your home, so it's only fitting for us to share the top kitchen design trends of 2024. Your kitchen gets the most foot traffic of any room in your home, meaning there's always an idea worth adding to your space to increase its appeal.

Warm woods and natural colors will make a major comeback in 2024. It's kind of a throwback, but in the best way. we’ve also noticed the world of kitchen islands tilting for the better. We're starting to see islands become much more conversational and intimate and less like the bar. On either end cap you actually have seating now, so you can talk to the person as if you were sitting at a sidebar or at the corner of a bar.

The trends to come have pushed tables to the side (hello, multipurpose kitchen islands!) and made a beverage station the go-to destination in the kitchen. They'll also make you feel more connected to nature than ever before, from shades of green paint and budding blooms on shelves to more innovative ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle. 2024 is absolutely the year of change in kitchen design and beyond. Talk to Spogue Kitchens and Bath today to get one step closer to your dream kitchen!


‘24 Bathroom Trends


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